Hi everyone.
I am so sorry I havnt updated you all lately, work is so crazy busy.
Firstly I must thank you all for continuing to book in and see me.
I know I'm a little behind on getting people answered but please bare with me I'm gonna work all weekend to get back to everyone.
If anyone is booking in please go to my website under private sittings and book through there. I have managed to get the wait time down a little bit as I've been working evenings on top of my daytime appointments.
I have a backup on phone messages at the moment also but will get to them also.
Please contact me on martinhopgoodmedium@gmail.com instead of leaving messages on the phone contact until I've cleared them.
People who have booked on the old price will still be honoured. I will check before every reading what your outstanding balance is so please don't worry about the new prices.
There is so much going on at the moment I've struggled to keep up as work has doubled since taking over the booking system and I'm doing it all myself now so please bare with me. I'll drop another blog soon to keep you all posted.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Martin xx